5 Fast Facts About Magic Mushroom Compounds

By Barb Bauer for Psychedelic Science Review

There’s a lot more going on inside magic mushrooms than just psilocybin.

Magic mushrooms (aka psilocybin mushrooms or psychedelic mushrooms) are in the news a lot recently. These mushrooms cause profound changes in human perception and consciousness when eaten. Humans ingest magic mushrooms for recreational and spiritual purposes, and scientists are studying their potential therapeutic benefits. Here are five fascinating facts about the psychoactive molecules (aka compounds) in magic mushrooms.

1. Magic mushrooms contain more than just psilocybin.

They can also contain compounds like psilocin, baeocystin and norbaeocystinaeruginascin, and norpsilocin. Notice how similar their chemical structures are to each other and the neurotransmitter serotonin. The seemingly minor differences in the chemical structures can have dramatic effects on the cellular and clinical pharmacology of the molecules.

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